Cherie Michels
McMaster Divinity College
September 2022 - Present
Specialization: Church and Culture
Brock University - 2019-2022
BA (Hons.)
Studio Art
History of Art and Visual Culture
Niagara College - 2001-2003
Art and Design Fundamentals and Graphic Design Production
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Cherie is a multidisciplinary artist and has received her Honours BA at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario. She studied Visual Arts, with a combined major of Studio Art and History of Art and Visual Culture. She began her artistic academic career by attending Niagara College for Floral Design (1996-1998), followed by Art and Design Fundamentals and Graphic Design Production (2001-2003), working in both fields for most of her early career. While raising a young family, she shifted course, and pursued a career in textile arts, creating and managing a plush toy business called Munkybuns. This business focused on re-imagining the traditional sock monkey toy and thrived under Cherie’s artistic and professional expertise for over a decade.
Cherie was born in St. Catharines, Ontario (1979) and resides in Niagara Falls with her husband and three children. As a child, Cherie’s father ran a masonry business, and from a young age, she has been immersed in the concepts and applications of construction and design. Raised in a large family with immigrant parents, she learned how to create -- first out of necessity and then out of desire. Fundamental skills like building, decorating, gardening and sewing developed into sculpture, painting, colour theory, and a love for textile arts.
Cherie’s artistic experience has always been in flux -- shifting and evolving -- but her Christian faith has been a constant in her life since birth. Her experience through her faith has influenced her work greatly. It has led her to not only study art but also focus on Christian art and the use of art as an expression of worship both within the liturgy and within one’s personal artistic expression. She is furthering this interest through her education at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton (2022-2025), as she completes her MDiv (Master of Divinity), focusing on Church and Culture and Pastoral Ministry.